Life clichés are my new friends.

Edit: Not ALL clichés, please.

“When life gives you lemons, make lemonade”.

from the old ones to the cheesy ones, we’ve heard them all.

Most of my life I tried to avoid cliches or use it only for a pun intended, but recently when life gave me a lot of lemons, I started thinking about how those clichés are powerful truths and bring life general pieces of advice we should all be following.

Maybe that’s why we still hear those popular form of expressions to this day.

For example, “Time heals all wounds”, one of my favorites.

It makes me remember that all the troubles in life will eventually fade, or become something else, something better, that we did not see it coming. Time is our friend, making sure our worries and troubles today will be insignificant in the future. I love it.

Another good one, “Every cloud has a silver lining”. People, Cliché is in the air!

Whoever came up with this is my friend, and my optimistic-self appreciates it. We should see the bright side of life, always! We have nothing to lose by being optimistic and positive. Actually, it will only bring you quality of life, in a peaceful way.

This can get very cheesy very quickly, I feel. Whatever.

I think I just needed to put it out there that we need to pay more attention to what those truthful sentences are telling us.

Don’t forget, people, ”There’s no time like the present”

Peace out.




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