What to do when you have no idea what to actually do

Ps.: If you have a life or death situation I don’t think I’m gonna solve your problems with this post, sorry bruh.

But if you get yourself asking several times during the day “WHAT DO I DO?” I feel you, pal. Same here. So let’s get down on it.

What is your current situation?

Here’s my situation. I turned 24 and realized that I haven’t achieved much of I what thought I would have by this time.

I graduated almost three years ago. When I graduated, I knew I was lost, but I thought in 3 years I would be doing something great. How naive we can be when we graduate, am I right?

Took a not planned sabbatical year.

After that, I worked on a shitty job for 6 months, quit, came back to my hometown to find myself.

Decided to start my own brand selling colorful wallets I sewed myself. It didn’t take off and I wasn’t fully invested as well. Went to an entrepreneurship seminar that was very expensive, to realize I wasn’t feeling it become the owner of my own business. I thought I was yet too immature (lazy) to deal with it all.

So I paid another expensive course to work with dubbing translation online. Didn’t take off as well. I realized the market was way tougher to get in than I thought, and I wasn’t too determined to get a job on it.

A few months later I got a job with one of the seminar’s teachers. A few weeks later she offered me a job in Europe, she was in a partnership opening a business there. In 7 months tops, we would be there. I also started working part-time in her store, as a retail clerk. In 6 months I get the news it would take another 5 to 6 months. Shit…

My girlfriend and I decide to do a workshop together about the future skills required. I was pumped, felt that finally, I was doing something that I truly felt proud of. The creative process was almost orgasmic when I got off the chair to see all the beautiful content I had created. Sadly, my gf was 0 present (she was starting another business at the time). Suddenly we realized we hadn’t put too much thought on the marketing side and the workshop flopped. 0 tickets paid (our minimum was 10 people, wasn’t too hard, right).

Then, my boss tells me the project in Europe also didn’t work out. She has a new business idea, but it would take another few months and she couldn’t guarantee with precision when she would need me.

I just turned 24 and here I am.

Feeling guilty for the diploma expensive AF my parents paid so I could study abroad and then have a nice paying job.

Feeling guilty for the projects I didn’t work too hard on it to make it work.

Feeling a fraud for not listening to my own pieces of advice, the ones I would tell people on my workshop, on the topic of resilience.

Feeling pissed for all the time I waited for an opportunity that didn’t happen. (yet, I hope)

Wondering what the heck do I do with those negatives feelings and voices in my head trying to convince me that I made bad choices.

It’s hard to write and read all this.

I try to work on my mental health a lot, so I don’t crack over the downs of my life. But I had to take a huge pause to continue this article. First, I cried many many dramatic tears when I finished the last sentence. But after the tears, I realized I needed to completely change my plans. That’s what I did, and one month later here I am with a one-way ticket to my dream city, Montreal.

So, what to do when you have no idea what to actually do?

1-Write about your current situation/problems, and be specific about it. What, why, when, how…

2- Be real with yourself. If you don’t have a hard time writing your deepest feelings, they are not that real. Trust me. Self-awareness is like an onion, the more layers you peel, the more you cry. So…

3-Realize what you really want and what is on the way of getting that. Then, make some changes.

It seems pretty simple, but because we’re rational human beings full of fears and anxiety, this may be very hard to accomplish. But you’ll get there 🙂







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